Management Structure

Last Modified: 27 November 2013

USS has a 9 members Executive Committee elected by the General Body for a 2 years term. The Executive Committee, on behalf of the General body, looks into the policy issues and auditing of expenditure of the organization. The Executive Committee appoints the Executive Director who oversees management functions and program operation as the Chief Executive Officer of the organization.

USS follows participatory management approaches. The organization believes management is not a power grid that stands at the top of our head as most people think, rather it is like the oxygen cycle where all individuals are essential because the oxygen cycle starts malfunctioning if one part of it does not function well.

USS is very much concern about the quality of its services. It has a transparent financial management system to monitor and control expenditure and budget. The organization produces monthly Statement of Expenditure (SOE) against monthly budget and review project activities as and where require.