World Environment Day Observed
Last Modified: 14 June 2016
World Environment Day 2016 has been observed at 1 no community Dhan bank premises in Nilphamari district through rally, cultural program, discussion meeting and sapling distribution. The day is observed by initiatives from Gonogobeshona group, adolescent forum of Polashbari & Laxmichap union and supported by USS, Nilphamari and Diakonia Bangladesh. Md. Aminur Rhaman, Laxmichap UP chairman was present in the occasion as chief guest. Pusnoo Roy, up member, Laxmichap union parishad, Roksana begum, up member, Laxmichap union parishad, Jagodish Roy, civil society, Sumila Rani, President, Ganogabeshona forum, Josna Rani Roy, President, 1 no community Dhan bank, Kalidesh Roy, president, Adolescent forum, Alauddin Ali, Executive director, USS were present at the event as special guest and the program was presided over by Brindhro Roy, president, ARC- Laxmichap. The day began with cultural program. Some songs based on protecting environment and prevention of early marriage. After the cultural program, the rally moved along the main roads of the akalugong bazar and ended at the Community Dhan Bank field. Monazzini khanam , Project Coordinator, PGELKPI- project, USS gave welcome speech and Alauddin Ali, Executive Director, USS, gave thanks speech in the event. President of Ganogabeshona group, Radha Rani said that 200 members of ganogabeshona group are getting one olive sapling today. She evoked everyone to plant 4 more saplings along with that one olive sapling in total 5 saplings at their house area.
Reported by:
Suli Sultana, Gender Development Officer, USS