Project Name: Child Rights and Protection (CRP)

Last Modified: 2019-10-14


Udayankur Seba Sangstha (USS) is one of the leading Organizations of the Nilphamairi District. Working with participatory approach & believe on the ability of community. USS has been working as plan associate from July 2006. Plan Bangladesh believes that poor children and their families have the rights an inherent capacity to effectively and participate in and benefit from society. Plan’s vision mission and program principals focus on increasing the capacity of poor children and their families to participate effectively in meeting their practical and strategic needs as well as contributing to and benefited from the society. In order to establish child rights, empowerment of all level is must, especially women. In this program USS is going to achieve their destination through PAR (Participatory Action Research). Present situation of Bangladesh large numbers of women & children are vulnerable (Poverty, Education, Health, and Social Protection etc). They are neglected in their society.

To create a protected environment for children USS has been implementing Child Rights and Protection Project with the partnership of Plan International Bangladesh in Jaldhaka Upazilla.


Project Goal:

Children are better protected from all forms of violence including child marriage and child labour through inclusive and effective community based child protection mechanisms.


  • Enhance capacity of children and youth and duty bearers on Community Based Child Protection Mechanism (CBCPM) to protect children from all kinds of abuse in the project area by June 2020
  • Increase awareness and knowledge of mass people specially youths and parents to sensitize on child rights and protection issues through different child interventions by June 2020.
  • Improve child protection situation advocating on child rights and protection relevant legislation in collaboration with CSOs by June 2020.
  • Make duty bearers responsive to protect children from violence and discrimination in project area by June  2020

Major activities are:

• Training on Child Protection program quality

• Training and Refreshers on Child Rights and Protection

• Union Development & Coordination Committee meeting 

• Open budget declaration at UP levels

• Development planning workshop at Upazila level

• Meeting on CBCPC formation at Ward levels

• Training on reporting and responding for CBCPC members

• Planning and review meeting of CBCPC

• Training on Organization Devlopment for youth  group members at union levels

• Training on on CBCPM for Youth Forum members at upazila levels

• Orienttaion on child rights and protection for Parrents of sponsors' children

• Orientation on CBCPM for CO/ CGP members at UP levels

• Training on life skill for UP Children Forums

• Training on life skill for Youths at UP levels

• Training on Sticks and Stones for Child Forums

• Resource pulls development on life skill training for 3 days

• Orientation on the use of modern technology for children and youth forums

• Planning and review workshop of Union Youth Forums

• Planning and review meeting of Upazila Youth Forums

• Planning and review meeting of Upazilla Children Forums

• Coordination meeting (linakge) and planning of NCTF at district levels

• Launching Child Parliament at districts

• Meeting of District Child Welfare Board on Children issues

• Meeting of Upazila Child Welfare Board to review and planning for the next

• Meeting on networking of Union Children Forums  

• CP & Advocacy for Divisional YAP

 • Life skill Training for Divisional YAP members

• Life skill Training for  district l YAP members.