Rokeya Day Observed in Nilphamari

Last Modified: 19 December 2016

This December 9th, the Rokeya Day and Annual woman Sports was observed with due solemnity at Bamandanga Govt Primary School playground, Polashbari,Nilphamari. There were rally, seminar, debate competitions and sports competition for women and adolescent girls. The day observation organized by USS with the support of  DIAKONIA.

The slogan for this year’s Rokeya Day was “রঙিন পৃথিবী রঙিন আলো, সকল নারী থাকুক ভাল” (Colorful world colorful lights, let every women have their rights.) The rally was inaugurated by Mr. Uttam Kumar Roy, the head teacher of Polashbari Girls High School. About 500 men-women, adolescent boys-girls of Khokshabari and Lokkhichap unions and community peoples were participate at the rally.

After the rally, there was a sports competition with the adolescent girls and women. There was also a gala cultural program on the occasion. A debate  competition was arranged with the adolescent Forum of Lokkhichap and Polashbari union . The motion for the debate was, “সাম্প্রদায়িক সম্প্রীতি ও শান্তিপূর্ণ সমাজ গঠনে গণমাধ্যমের ভূমিকাই মূখ্য” (Media plays the vital role in establishing a peaceful harmonious society)

At the end, there was a seminar and prize giving ceremony. Chairman of Palashbari union Md. Momotaz Ali Pramanik, Executive Director of USS Alauddin Ali, Head teacher of Polashbari Girls High School Mr. Uttam Kumar Roy, teacher of Pashbari Proshmoni School  Babu Dhiren Nath along with  USS  officers and staffs were present at the ceremony.

Reported by: Shahanaz Begum, PC, PGELKPI, USS