ActionAid Bangladesh

USS has strong background to facilitate peoples’ movement on ‘Rights’ issue as both of the leader and some senior staffs of the organization have long working experience in the respective area. Action Aid Bangladesh (AAB) working approach is same as USS. Considering the above circumstances USS started the development journey with Action Aid Bangladesh through Participatory Community Development And Monga mitigation (PCDAM) Project in 2007. This project ran from 15th August 2007 to 31st December 2007 as a pilot basis. AAB declared as Development Area # 35 (DA) under the thematic areas of Livelihood Security and Risk Reduction in first January 2008 and USS was conducted various types of survey through using PRA tools from that time to 31st December 2008. USS then implemented “Community Development and Monga Mitigation for the Poor through Upgrading Social Capital (CAMPUS)” project activities in remote border side Bhodaburi, Ketkibari, Gomnati and Bamunia Union of Domar Upazilla under Nilphamari district during 2009 to December 2017. Goal of the project was socio-economic development and controlling livelihood security through accessing public resources, empowerment of extreme poor and marginalized people where justice and democratic governance issues are being addressed in a comprehensive and integrated manner.

USS is implementing Action for Impact (A4I) project after successful completion of CAMPUS project. The A4I project is running at Nilphamari district from 1 January 2018 and it will be continued up to 31 December 2021 to ensure access to quality youth and gender responsive public services and youth participation at all levels of decision making.

Strategic objctive of the A4I project:

â–ºAdvancement of full, productive and decent work for young women and men

â–º Increased access to quality youth and gender responsive public services

 â–ºIncreased youth participation and expanded democratic space at all levels of decision making

Note that USS is working to achieve only Strategic Objectives 2 and 3 of A4I project.


USS is implementing LRP 52 activities at Phulbari upazila of Kurigram district from January'2019 and it will be continued up December'2029.  


Project Name: Legal Aid Support

Working Areas: Nilphamari District.

Project Name: Fiscal Governance

Working Areas:

Project Name: Action for Impact(A4I)

Working Areas: Nilphamari district

Project Name: Women initiatives for Community Development (W4CD)

Working Areas: Phulbari upazila of Kurigram district